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World Cup – Last Thoughts

Spain were the Chelsea of this tournament. Despite oodles of offensive talent and technical skill, they played a cautious, defensive, unattractive, “possess you to death” style. Although ultimately successful, it left all of the neutrals longing for more.

As a Liverpool fan, I sure hope that Fernando Torres is OK.

FIFA has to find a way to deal with the twin scourges of fakery and rough play. They are two sides of the same coin. The only way to stop a Messi is to put him on the ground, and the only tool a Messi has to protect himself is the referee. How to fix the problem is beyond me. Stronger enforcement against rough play only encourages more fakery!

South Africa acquitted itself very well, at least from my view in Southern California.

It was a tough month for the referees, and for the FIFA stance on using technology to aid referees. It is now clear to the world that the referees need help with the modern game.

Congratulations to the Spanish team and their fans everywhere!

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